We saw in my last blog post how deployment gates allow you to monitor your GitHub repo for issues in your release pipeline. Microsoft recently made release gate extension point public for all users and we thought it would be a good idea to expose integration with GitHub repo (as discussed previously) as an VSTS extension. The advantage is that you do not have to worry about other infrastructure details such as writing and deploying the Azure function etc. Instead just install our extension from the link below, write the search string for finding out issues and you are all set!

Install the extension

This is super easy, head over to extension page in VSTS marketplace and install the extension. You should see our extension under release gates section in VSTS.

Select Gate

Using the gate

You can add gates either prior to the deployment or post deployment. Below is UI to select pre-deployment gate.


This will display all the gates available and select Search GitHub issues gate.


Configure and search for issues

You will see configuration options once you add this gate and it allows you to configure the search query and success criteria.

Please use the GitHub compatible query. You can read more about search query here



If you have any questions or feedback do not hesitate to contact us at @onlyutkarsh and @arora_tarun

About author
Utkarsh Shigihalli
Utkarsh Shigihalli
Utkarsh is passionate about software development and has experience in the areas of Azure, Azure DevOps, C# and TypeScript. Over the years he has worked as an architect, independent consultant and manager in many countries including India, United States, Netherlands and United Kingdom. He is a Microsoft MVP and has developed numerous extensions for Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code and Azure DevOps.
We Are
  • onlyutkarsh
    Utkarsh Shigihalli
    Microsoft MVP, Technologist & DevOps Coach

  • arora_tarun
    Tarun Arora
    Microsoft MVP, Author & DevOps Coach at Avanade

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